Traditional keeping of Japanese honeybee

How to catch swarms of Japanese honeybees 

I allow bees to swarm but set many bait hives.

I catch about 40 swarms a year.

I set bait hives in my apiaries on the weekend in spring.

Bait hives consist of two boxes and I add boxes with a combs growing.
In autumn, most of hives consist of over 5 boxes.

I use Cymbidium floribundum (Kinryouhen) which attract Japanese honeybees.


Western honeybees can’t be attracted.

I set Kinryouhen next to the bait hive.

I also use smell of combs . I put beewax of Japanese honeybees on the bait hives.

When Japanese honeybee move into the bait hive, my friend (my apiaries’ owner) call me and tell
me that news.

Swarm of Japanese honeybees often gather together at trees.


I go to there as soon as I can and catch them.

Some of my friends can catch swarm because I told them how to do.

In swarming, they don't attack us.

I can touch them with my bare hand.

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