Traditional keeping of Japanese honeybee


What is a "Japanese honeybee"

It is wild honeybee which live in Japan and a kindofEasternhoneybees.


Self introduction

I introduce where I live and why I keep bees


How tocatchswarmsofJapanesehoneybees

I introduce how to catch swarms.
I use bait hives, Cymbidium floribundum (Kinryouhen)whichattractJapanese honeybees.

Traditional bee hive

What is multi tiered box and how to make bee hive.

Natural enemies

Giant hornet, bear and so on.


Taking honey

One of Japanese traditional way of taking honey


My favorite web sites about bees.

about this web site

I introduce traditional japanese beekeeping to you.

There are many pictures and movies in this web site.

Please send me a comment.

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